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Artist statement

In my work I explore the events and feelings that commonly trigger the anxiety. I find it to be important to face the things that make me uncomfortable and I think others can benefit from it too, since it pushes people towards expanding their point of view on these subjects. And with the same effort, enlarge the narrow concepts in our society.


The cornerstones of my working are careful planning and information gathering. On the basis of it, I can finally start the visual work. The thought behind an artwork and my ability to deliver it to the public, is my essential goal. That is why I prefer using realistic style and symbolism to purposely guide my audience towards conversations and reactions. Sometimes I have a clear message I try to share. Other times I am reaching out just for emotional impact. The subjects of my artwork flow from my personal experiences to the general research and analysis of it.


Death, loneliness and sexuality are themes I have already explored and still it is only a tip of an iceberg. Even with these topics there is more to offer and more to create.

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